What is a Lip Mask and Why Should You Use One?

What is a Lip Mask and Why Should You Use One?

There are a lot of trends in beauty. Some of them, of course, are little more than attempts to get you to try new products. Others, however, have solid backing behind them.

One of these trends which you should be considering adding to your routine is lip masks.

What is a Lip Mask?

A lip mask is a gel mask that is worn on your lips for a set period of time. Some lip masks are designed to be worn overnight, while others are worn for a shorter period, say fifteen minutes.

The purpose of a lip mask is to hydrate your lips, which also makes them look fuller and plumper. Although it's not a mask in the true sense, the term has come to refer to any product that you leave on your skin for a while. They work in a similar way to a lip balm, but are easier to apply, more intensive, and last longer.

Girl on Lip Mask Green Background

How Did the Lip Mask Trend Start?

Like face masks, the lip mask started in Asia, particularly in Korea. Korean beauty brands have long had inroads into the American market, and through that they were discovered by Kim Kardashian and a bevvy of Instagram celebrities. Women showed pictures of themselves wearing lip masks, and the trend started.

Being relatively inexpensive (typically about $5 a mask), lip masks rapidly became popular, and American cosmetics and skin care companies got in on the act, producing a wide variety of lip masks with different ingredients. Not all of these lip masks actually do any good; make sure that the lip mask you choose contains collagen or biocellulose for best results.

The trend shows no sign of slowing down any time soon, and many people are finding that the benefits are easily worth the hype.

What Are the Benefits?

Using a lip mask is essentially the same as using a lip balm, but the application process is different. Lip masks are also designed to last for longer. In cold weather, you might be applying lip balm regularly, every hour or so. Most lip masks, on the other hand, are intended to be used two or three times a week. If you have particularly dry lips or live in a cold, dry climate you may need to use them more often. Some people have found that lip masks work in conditions where regular lip balm simply cannot keep up. Lip masks can also work out cheaper than constantly applying balm.

Many people also find applying lip masks, like face masks, to be relaxing and to convey a sense of luxury. You also don't have to worry about whether you remembered your lip balm.

Lip masks prevent drying out and chapping of lips, especially during the winter. They also help make your lips look plumper, especially right after using the mask, and in a more natural way than lip liner. They can help reduce signs of aging that come from the skin on your lips getting thinner.

How Do You Use a Lip Mask?

Lip masks are very easy to use. You only need to open the package and apply the gel patch to your lips. Smooth it against and around your lips for fit.

Wear it for the length of time recommended by the vendor or manufacturer. Lie down or recline if possible, as this will help keep the mask from slipping. After removing the mask, you generally want to massage any excess serum or gel into your skin. You should not rinse. Lip masks are not reusable and should be disposed of. Resist the temptation to reuse if there seems to be a lot of gel left. It will have germs in it.

Some people recommend exfoliating your lips first, using a lip scrub or, if you don't have one, a wet washcloth. This removes dead skin and improves absorption of the mask. Your lips also must be dry before applying the mask, or it might not stick to your face.

Check the ingredients before buying a mask for anything you know you are allergic to. If you use a mask and experience redness or irritation, remove it immediately and seek medical attention; likely you are allergic to something in there without knowing it.

You should not use a lip mask if you have broken or irritated skin on or around your lips. Some lip masks are solid and thus prevent you from breathing through your mouth; consider not using these if you have a stuffed up nose. It's generally better, however, to look for lip masks with a slit in them as they will cover more of your lips.

Do not eat or drink while wearing a lip mask, as you will likely knock it off. You also should not talk while wearing a mask, for the same reason.

Once you have removed the lip mask, you can apply lipstick right away. Lip masks don't leave any kind of colored residue on your lips, although the mask itself is sometimes colored.

Lip masks are also easy to use while traveling, as they don't require water or access to a bathroom.

Again, make sure your chosen lip mask doesn't contain ingredients which have caused you problems in the past. Choose a lip mask with a slot so you can breathe through your mouth and it covers more of your lips.

You should almost immediately see results in terms of plumpness, but hydration can take a few days or even a few applications if your lips are particularly dry. However, effects from a lip mask can easily last for several days.

If you have dry and chapped lips, adding a lip mask to your beauty routine can be a much easier way of dealing with it than having to carry lip balm everywhere you go. Lip masks are effective, convenient, and deliver long-lasting hydration to your lips, helping to heal and prevent chapping. They are easy to use and apply and should be part of a beauty routine that includes lip scrubs and, of course, your favorite lip color.

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