Fall Renewal: Preparing Your Skin for Colder Weather

girl with glowing skin while holding a leaf


Fall isn’t just about cute scarves and boots. The transition to cooler weather means that it’s time for more than just a wardrobe change; it’s time for a skincare update too.

As the seasons change, the state of our skin also changes, and as the weather transitions, it’s important to take charge of our skin and prepare it for cold winds and temperatures. After summer, where a hot sun and chlorine pools prevail, it’s especially important to use the fall to restore our skin and prepare it for the harsher winter ahead.

Most people know that cold temperatures can severely dry out your skin.  What many don’t realize, however, is that refuge isn’t always sought indoors—forced air heating can have an equally drying effect on the skin.

To help your skin make the transition as smoothly as possible, make sure to keep the following tips in mind for combating the effects of the cold weather.

  1. Switch up your moisturizer. The moisturizer you use during the summer probably isn’t going to cut it for hydrating cold weather skin.  Instead use a richer moisturizer, similar to an emollient cream.
  2. Up your water intake. Water is essential for keeping skin hydrated and for eliminating toxins. Every body requires a different daily amount, so be sure to calculate how much water you should be drinking per day.
  3. Knock yourself out with seasonal fruits and vegetables! Take advantage of these foods this fall—it’s nature’s way of repairing your skin.  These foods are great for eating or for applying topically to the skin.

             - Apples, cranberries, and pomegranates are full of antioxidants to help fight free radicals.

             - Avocados and  sweet potatoes are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and natural oils to deeply moisturize.

             - Clementines help eliminate acne-causing bacteria.

             - Pumpkin is a natural gentle exfoliant that helps promote cell renewal.

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