Avoiding the Holiday Blues

Once the holidays are over, it can be difficult to transition back into an everyday routine. This year, however, instead of letting yourself wallow in your tryptophan-induced coma, be proactive and incorporate these tips to help ward off the post-holiday blues.

Add Some Perspective

The holidays can be a joyous time, but they are also inevitably stress-filled and hectic. Although it can be sad to see your family go, appreciate the fact that your stress levels are going to dip now that you aren’t frantically running around trying to get your holiday shopping done. It can also be helpful to identify another event or day that you know you’re going to enjoy—having something to look forward to can increase your energy levels and give you a more positive outlook as you enter 2015 in stride.

Go Easy on Yourself

With 2015 comes the inevitable resolutions to eat better and work-out more. But whether you’re resolving to call your grandma on a regular basis or hoping to get that job promotion this year, remember to be gentle with yourself. While these are all great decisions, resolutions are actually harder to keep this time of year due to the number of social obligations, traditional indulgences, and the lack of a normal routine. To increase your chance for success, try waiting a few weeks before starting your resolutions (or better yet, start now!.

Make Healthy Choices

Indulging in big family dinners and that extra slice of pie (with a scoop of ice cream, of course) during the holiday weeks can leave you feeling extra sluggish. To combat your lethargy, try incorporating more healthy choices into your diet. Products such as meat, fish, eggs, and soy milk contain high levels of vitamin B12 that will provide an extra boost of much needed energy.

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